2009년 8월 19일 수요일

Seo-Myeom[in Busan]

[Busan's location]

I living in Busan city.
Busan is second city in Korea.
Busan have many hills and beaches moreover good IT infrastructure.
But Busan's first downtown is Seomyeon(downtown).
Now looking around Seomyeon.

This is Lotte departmentstore's around.
Seomyeon is cross line1 and line2 subway.

[Busan subway map]
Map link

[Seomyeon crossloads] Department's east side

[Taewha shopping mall's front]

[Another side]

This is Seomyeon 1st.
Many shop , pub , club locate around this load.

Welcome to Busan!

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